The mission of the Community Baptist Church is to nurture Christian discipleship through glorifying Almighty God, loving our neighbor, promoting justice, and teaching salvation through faith in Jesus Christ.
We, the people of the Community Baptist Church believe there is only one true and living God as evidenced in the eternal Trinity: The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit. We further believe God possesses Holiness, Love, Grace, and Mercy, and that all humankind owes to Him supreme faith, allegiance, and obedience.
We agree to accept the Holy Scriptures for our rule and for our guidance in all matters of faith and practice, and by which, we believe all human wisdom and activity must rightly be governed.
We believe that we are forgiven of sin and are justified solely through the redeeming action of Jesus Christ, who died for us and, on the third day, rose again from the dead. Only by repentance from sin, and an abiding faith in Jesus Christ as the Lord and Savior, are we assured complete acceptance with Almighty God.
We shall always aim to be obedient to Christ in our daily living. Believing that our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, we shall endeavor to avoid experiences and habits that hinder us in our daily Christian witness. We shall support the growth of Christian faith in our children and others under our care. With the aid of the Holy Spirit, we shall work together in Christian love, sharing each other’s joys, and sustaining each other in times of distress.
We believe we are called as a church to be a witness in the world dedicating ourselves as servants of the Lord. As we pledge our support to the work of missionaries throughout the world, we also commit ourselves to the mission for which God calls us.
We pledge to serve Christ within the fellowship of this Congregation and, therefore, engage to enter into covenant with God and each other. We further agree that if we remove from this body we shall unite with another church where we may carry out the spirit of this covenant.
Acknowledging our human weaknesses, constantly seeking forgiveness, while desiring to love God and neighbor, we profess our continual need of the Holy Spirit as we commit our lives to Jesus Christ, and through Him, to the Care, Judgement, Grace, and Mercy of Almighty God.
Community Baptist Church
27 Jefferson Road
Whitefield, NH 03598
Copyright © 2021 Community Baptist Church - All Rights Reserved.